
With 'A Lonely Planet', we not only acquire innovative scientific insights but we also create evidence-based tools that translate research findings into user-friendly and practice-oriented tools. With these tools, we try to reach different stakeholders including local governments, professionals, policymakers, local residents, urban planners, knowledge institutions and local service centres.

Discover which tools we develop with 'A Lonely Planet'.

Detection tool
(expected in 2025)

Using this tool, one can detect neighbourhoods at increased risk of (social, emotional and existential) loneliness. Based on open-source data, we develop a set of risk indicators for loneliness (objective neighbourhood characteristics), which users can use to easily identify whether their neighbourhood faces an increased risk of loneliness.

Neighbourhood personas
(expected in 2025)

These are specific neighbourhood profiles/characteristics that correlate with certain dimensions of loneliness (social, emotional, existential). Based on those neighbourhood personas, users (such as urban planners) enhance their knowledge of loneliness from a neighbourhood perspective, increasing the possibilities of counteracting loneliness at earlier stages.

Learning network events

During these meetings, professionals (from local authorities, care and welfare organisations) involved in neighbourhood-focused care interventions meet on a regular basis to work around a common theme of preventing and countering loneliness from a neighbourhood perspective.

Fact sheets
(starting 2024)

These concise documents present key facts and insights on the relationship between loneliness and the neighbourhood in a simple and accessible way. Professionals can use these fact sheets to increase their knowledge on the topic.

Guide on loneliness from a neighbourhood perspective

In this accessible and approachable guide on 'loneliness from a neighbourhood perspective', we integrate theory, tips, tools and methods. Professionals can use this guide to prevent or combat loneliness from a neighbourhood perspective.  

Policy notes
(starting 2024)

These are concise documents in which we translate our research findings into policy recommendations, based on which we can easily inform policymakers.

Data set
(expected by end of 2026)

We will make an anonymised dataset publicly available at the end of the project, incorporating survey data and objective data on neighbourhood characteristics